====== Install Agelong Tree 6 in OS Linux ====== **Agelong Tree 6** required 64-bit Linux amd64,\\ additional packages libc6, libgcc1, libstdc++6.\\ ===== Install from .tar.gz archive ===== 1. Download **AgelongTree6.tar.gz** from our site\\ 2. Run terminal\\ 3. Unpack archive to your preferred location in home dir\\ $ tar -xzf AgelongTree6.tar.gz 4. Launch the Install script for creation menu's and Desktop icons\\ $ cd AgelongTree6 $ ./Install **Attention!** Do not place your own files in this dir.\\ ---- ===== Launch ===== Use one of the options:\\ * From menu of window manager\\ Other -> **Agelong Tree 6** * Click on icon **Agelong Tree 6**\\ * From terminal window in installation dir $ ./"Agelong Tree 6" or $ ./Agelong\ Tree\ 6 or $ nohup ./"Agelong Tree 6" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ---- ===== Install .deb package for debian-based OS ===== $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt policy apt-transport-https ca-certificates Add key **Agelong Tree** and add repository $ wget -qO - https://dl.genery.com/repo/at/6/deb/repo_gpg.key | sudo apt-key add - $ echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://dl.genery.com/repo/at/6/deb agelongtree non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/agelongtree6.list $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install agelongtree6 ---- ===== Uninstall/Remove .deb package for debian-based OS ===== $ sudo apt purge agelongtree6 ===== Uninstall/Remove for .tar.gz archive ===== * Go to install dir * Launch the **Uninstall** script $ ./Uninstall * Please remove current directory mannualy.\\ **Attention!** Before deleting, check your own files inside current directory! ---- ===== Supported Linux distributions ===== ^ Name ^ Support ^ Archive ^ Package^ | Ubuntu 20.04, 22, 23 | yes | yes | yes | | Debian 10,11,12 | test | yes | yes | | Astra Linux 1.7 | yes | yes | yes | | ALT Linux 10.1 | yes | yes | no | | CentOS 8,9 | test | yes | no | | openSuse 15.4 | test | yes | no | | Arch Linux | test | yes | no | Program can be lauched in other Linux distributions.