Table of Contents

Install Agelong Tree 6 in OS Linux

Agelong Tree 6 required 64-bit Linux amd64,
additional packages libc6, libgcc1, libstdc++6.

Install from .tar.gz archive

1. Download AgelongTree6.tar.gz from our site
2. Run terminal
3. Unpack archive to your preferred location in home dir

 $ tar -xzf AgelongTree6.tar.gz

4. Launch the Install script for creation menu's and Desktop icons

 $ cd AgelongTree6
 $ ./Install

Attention! Do not place your own files in this dir.


Use one of the options:

Other → Agelong Tree 6

  $ ./"Agelong Tree 6"


  $ ./Agelong\ Tree\ 6


  $ nohup ./"Agelong Tree 6" >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Install .deb package for debian-based OS

 $ sudo apt update
 $ sudo apt policy apt-transport-https ca-certificates

Add key Agelong Tree and add repository

 $ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
 $ echo "deb [arch=amd64] agelongtree non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/agelongtree6.list
 $ sudo apt update
 $ sudo apt install agelongtree6

Uninstall/Remove .deb package for debian-based OS

 $ sudo apt purge agelongtree6

Uninstall/Remove for .tar.gz archive

 $ ./Uninstall

Attention! Before deleting, check your own files inside current directory!

Supported Linux distributions

Name Support Archive Package
Ubuntu 20.04, 22, 23 yes yes yes
Debian 10,11,12 test yes yes
Astra Linux 1.7 yes yes yes
ALT Linux 10.1 yes yes no
CentOS 8,9 test yes no
openSuse 15.4 test yes no
Arch Linux test yes no

Program can be lauched in other Linux distributions.