====== Agelong Tree 6 installation on macOS ====== Agelong Tree 6 requires macOS 10.14 and above. Installation requires about 128 MB of free disk space. Intel-based Macs require the x64 (Intel) version of Agelong Tree , while Apple M-series processors require the ARM (Apple M) version. To find out what processor your Mac has: * Click the Apple logo in the upper left corner of your desktop and select About This Mac * If processor Intel is specified, you need the macOS x64 (Intel) version of Agelong Tree * If Chip Apple M1, M2, etc. is specified, the Agelong Tree version for macOS ARM (Apple M) is required 1. From the [[glink>/download/|Download]] page, download the Agelong Tree 6 installation package that matches your Mac's processor, and run it.\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step1.png?60%|%Installation process}} 2. Welcome to the installer of the program Agelong Tree 6, click ''Continue''\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step2.png?60%|%Installation process}} 3. Read the license agreement, click ''Continue''\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step3.png?60%|%Installation process}} 4. To continue the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement, click ''Agree'' if you agree\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step4.png?60%|%Installation process}} 5. Select the disk to install the program, by default the program will be installed in the standard macOS application directory. To start the installation process, click ''Continue''\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step5.png?60%|%Installation process}} For installation on a flash drive or portable USB disk, we recommend using a drive with the **exfat** file system 6. The system will ask for a password to perform file copying, enter the password and click ''Install Software''\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step7.png?60%|%Installation process}} 7. If the installation process is completed successfully, click ''Close''. The program is ready to run\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step8.png?60%|%Installation process}} 8. Additionally, the system will offer to delete the downloaded installation package, it is recommended to do this\\ {{gpopup>en:mac-at-install-step9.png?60%|%Installation process}} **To launch the program** open Finder, select the Applications folder, find the program Agelong Tree 6 and double-click on the program name. Or open Lauchpad, find the program Agelong Tree 6 and double-click on the program name.