Agelong Tree

Agelong Tree 5 Help

User Tools

Search and navigation

Navigation panel contains search and navigation actions:
Navigation panel

1. To search in the table or in the tree, enter the text into the search field and press Enter, button 3 or 4. The text is searched through the content of the current table. Search is case insensitive. If the option Search exact phrase in the program options is disabled, the search is done for each word separately, that is, the searched words can be within the found object in any order. If the option is enabled or the searched phrase is enclosed in quotes, you get found an object with the same words/phase as entered.
2. Search history.
3. Search forward (downwards from the active row).
4. Search backward (upwards from the active row).
5. Go back button sets the cursor on the previous active row.
6. Go forward button sets the cursor on the following active row (after pressing button 5 once or several times).
7. Sets a bookmark on the active row. A previous bookmark is removed. The bookmarked row or tree node is marked with symbol.
8. Sets the cursor on the bookmarked object. The object becomes active.
9. Favourites menu. If you choose a favourite in this menu, the cursor is placed on the corresponding row in the table or the corresponding tree node. To mark a person as a favourite, go to the person's edit window and tick Favourite option.
10. Go to the tree button. The button is shown only for tables. To find the current person in the tree, click that button. If the person is found, the tree tab opens and the person becomes active and visible on the screen.

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